Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Cheltenham Christmas Market

I recently went to the Cheltenham Christmas Market to try and capture some of the beautiful Christmas lights. It was absolutely beautiful, and I loved that it started raining so we had to rush to a cafe and enjoy a nice cup of coffee while we ate fudge bought from the market. It was even more beautiful when the rain stopped and left all sorts of reflections on the side walk and it just made the lights seem so much more twinkly-er :D It was definitely a lovely start to the Christmas season! 


  1. Gorgeous photos as always Lorah!

  2. Photos like that can't be hiden for so long then why not make an exposition of them at The Promenade and show your talent to others... just think about it. God's gift is to be admired by all not a few. God bless far more than He has already done.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I think that is a very good idea and I will definitely think about it :) I would like to do more to get my pictures 'out there'! Im glad you like the photo's .. :)
